Tag: TTC

The Dark Path

To travel in the dark, but never leave it,
in a hole where the sun is just a rumour.
The tunnel endless as the night.

Rolleiflex 3.5E3
Ilford HP5+, developed in Cinestill DF96 monobath

TTC Open House

This is my last film photo blog for a couple of weeks, but maybe there will be some digital/smartphone shots rom Croatia.

Recently, the TTC held an open house at one of its maintenance facilities. A fascinating tour!

All images taken with my Nikon F2A and 20mm/f2.8 Nikkor lens on Eastman Double-X film.


The Subway Tunnel of Memory

Two more images from the rail museum in Halton. In one of the barns they have two old TTC subway cars. I remember riding these models when I first came to Toronto in the early 1980’s. Now they live on in a permanent twilight. Weird, and a bit sad to see them empty.


Voigtlander Bessa T, 15m/f4.5 Superwide Heliar lens
1/8th second @ f4.5
Ilford HP5+ film


My first post for 2018. I thought this image worked for the first day of the year. Hoping things are looking up.

Voigtlander Bessa R2M, 25mm/f4 Snapshot Skopar lens
Kodak Portra 800 film

Above the Subway

I’ve always found the outdoor/above ground subway stations in Toronto fascinating, especially ones (like Rosedale station below) on the oldest part of what is now called Line 1.

Voigtlander Bessa R2M, 35mm/f.17 Voigtlander Ultron lens
Kodak TMax 100


The bus stop where I catch the bus to work every day is in front of an apartment building, and sometimes discarded furniture is found in the general area. For the last few days this old vinyl chair has been sitting at the stop, almost inviting people to have a seat waiting for the bus. This morning at 5:45 am it was covered in frost.


Taken with iPhone 6+ and Hipstamatic app

Is This It?

On the bus, going to work in the dark at 6:30 in the morning. I so often see the hollow fatigue of those around me. Are they wondering if this is the totality of their existence?


iPhone, Hipstamatic App