Tag: Rollei RPX 400

Lines and Textures

This image is from a shuttered building in Elora. My eyes were drawn to the lines and the various textures.

Hasselblad 500CM, 80mm/f2.8 Planar lens
RPX 400 film developed in Microdol-X, 1+1

Into the Sun

Another image from my first roll shot in the Voigtlander Bessa 66 medium format folder. On Sunday morning the best views of Philosopher’s Walk on the U of T campus seemed to be straight into the sun, which usually results in a lot of flare. I placed the sun behind a tree branch to try to minimize it, and I do like the results.


Voigtlander Bessa 66, Rollei RPX400 film
stand-developed in Rodinal

Sharp Shadows

This past Sunday was a glorious winter day: bright and clear, with a dazzling crystal light: like being inside the diamond.  The sharp lines and shadows that would have made an outdoor portrait session very difficult made other kinds of images possible.

This was the first time I had shot on the Voigtlander Bessa 66 120 format folding camera, given to me by my friend David Kent. This model has the amazing Color Skopar lens, and I am very impressed with its sharpness.


Voigtlander Bessa 66 camera, Rollei RPX 400 film