Tag: Kodak Medalist

Staying Around the Neighbourhood

As the great lockdown continues, I am making a point of shooting around the neighbourhood, basically within walking distance. I went out yesterday morning around 7 am for these images, all taken with my beloved Kodak Medalist I, shooting Ilford HP5+ , respooled for the 620 format required by the Medalist.

Kodak Medalist I
Ilford HP5+ film, respooled for 620
Developed in Cinestill DF96 Monobath

Lauren In Colour

Recently I had the distinct pleasure of working with Lauren Elcock here in Toronto. Today two colour images, and tomorrow two black and white.

Kodak Medalist I, 100mm/f3.5 Ektar lens
Kodak Portra 400 @ EI 200, respooled for 620

The Ravine in Colour

One more of the Ravine near Yonge and St. Clair in Toronto, this time in colour.

Kodak Medalist I, 100mm/f3.5 Ektar lens
Cinestill 800T colour negative film respooled for 620
Colour-corrected in post.