Tag: 15mm/4.5 SuperWide Heliar

Dupont Street Digital

Earlier this week I was shooting on Dupont Street in Toronto. A gritty street that is undergoing transformation. All images taken with my Sony A7ii camera, and either Sony 28-70 lens or Voigtlander 15mm/f4.5 lens


The words in this iron fence represent “iron-y” to me in our current situation.

Voigtlander Bessa T, 15mm/f4.5 Superwide Heliar lens
Kodak TMax 400 film

The Walkway

An interesting walkway near the Coxwell subway station in Toronto. I walked over early this morning, when I knew it would be deserted.

Voigtlander Bessa T camera, 15mm/f4.5 Superwide Heliar lens with red filter
Kodak TMax 400 film, developed in TMax developer 1+4


The Last Roll

I finally got the last roll of black and white film from our Croatia trip developed. These images are from a park in Zagreb. All images were take n with my Voigtlander Bessa T and 15mm/f4.5 Superwide Heliar lens, on Ilford HP5 Plus film.