Tag: Rollei SuperPan 200

Fences and Friends

I was out recently and saw this mural with the scaffolding in front of it and it looked to me like two friends reuniting with a fence in-between them. And it reminded me of how today we have some many people obsessed with fences and walls.

Voigtlander Bessa T, 90mm/f4 Leitz Elmar lens
Rollei SuperPan 200 film

Four Portraits

When I attended MMPR (the Marshall McLuhan Podcasting Round able) last weekend in Hamilton, I went with one camera: my 80ish year old Leica IIIa. When paired with a Canon Serenar 50mm/1.8 lens it makes for a good portrait combo!

Leica IIIa, 50mm/f1.8 Canon Serenar lens
Rollei SuperPan 200 film

Down and Up the Stairs

Not far from where we live is Todmorden Mills, an historic site which to me has the added significance of being the location of our older daughter’s upcoming marriage at the end of the month. These images are two views of the same set of stairs, going down and coming up.

Voigtlander Bessa R2M, 15mm/f4.5 Superwide Heliar lens
Rollei SuperPan 200 film

A Trip To Elora

I was in Elora recently and decided to go with the Voigtlander R2M kit, and Rollei Retro80s and SuperPan 200 films

Voigtlander Bessa R2M, 25 and 35mm Voigtlander lenses
Rollei 80s and SuperPan 200 films