Tag: Diafine

Another Shoot With Naima

On Sunday I had another shoot with Naima, this time outdoors on a decidedly chilly day, in the ravine near Yonge and St. Clair. Naima was a real trooper and did not let the cold get in the way of a great shoot.



Zenit 3m 35mm SLR, Helios 44/2 58mm f2 lens
Tri-X @ EI 800, developed in Diafine 3 + 3


I first met Karen a number of years ago, when we both had images in an exhibit of photographs from the G20 incident in Toronto. A talented, resourceful and strong woman, she has a lot of presence in front of the camera!



Rolleiflex E3, 75mm/3.5 Xenotar lens
Tri-X @ EI 800 developed in Diafine
Negative Scanned and post-processed in Lightroom and Nik Efex

Two Friends

When I was working with my photographer friend Ed recently, a friend of his came up, with his owner in tow 🙂

Two friends


Rolleiflex E3, 75mm/3.5 Xenotar lens
Tri-X @ EI 800 developed in Diafine

Sabrina 1

I had the pleasure of working with Sabrina, (the daughter of a theatre friend of mine) on Thursday. As someone with both dance and theatre experience, Sabrina was a natural when it came to posing and expression, and needed next to no instruction.



Rolleiflex E3, 75mm/3.5 Xenotar lens
Tri-X, EI 800, developed in Diafine 3+3


I had the chance yesterday to meet another local Toronto photographer Edward McLaughlin for a portrait shoot, using my Rolleiflex. It was a very dull day weatherwise, so I shot Tri-X at 800 and developed in in Diafine


Shoot Anyway!

Yesterday the model had to cancel at the last minute, the weather was dull and chilly, but I decided to go to High Park and shoot anyway, and I’m glad I did.

In High Park


Rolleiflex E3 with 75mm/3.5 Xenotar lens
Tri-X film at E.I. 1000 developed in Diafine 3+3

Shout Out

Three years ago  I worked with Amy Braun as a model, and today I want to congratulate her as a published author! Her urban fantasy story Call From the Grave has just been published on Kindle. I read it last night, and was really impressed (and I have read a lot of Fantasy and Science fiction in my time). I would highly recommend her writing. Well done Amy!

Amy and camera


Mamiya 645J, 80mm/2.8 lens
Tri-X at E.I. 1000 developed in Diafine 3+3